Wednesday, July 23, 2014

2 Scoops International: Joao Pessoa, Brazil

I’m going to get straight to the point, I’m in Brazil and everything is gorgeous. First of all the ladies here must eat something or maybe it’s in the oxygen because the people down here are too fine. Secondly, the food is pretty tasty. They got something called empanadas, they’re like these muffins that are stuffed with a bunch of stuff. 
The ones I ate had bacon bits (even though the menu said sausage) and cheese and these other ones had this weird meat paste (even though the menu said some type of beef) and cheese. The bacon stuffed one was straight fire but I’m not a fan of my muffins being injected with meat paste. Yo, there also this acai ice cream type stuff, it is the best thing I've had in my whole life. I can't be more serious with y'all. 
I guess acai is some kind of berry and then they put all kinds of stuff in it like nuts, bananas, condensed milk and honey. To top it all off they just give you a bunch of frozen acai to cover all your ice cream needs. 

Let me talk about the people down here for a second. Brazilians either look Hispanic or black, I don’t think there’s a certain Brazilian look. I probably couldn’t distinguish a Brazilian guy from a Puerto Rican in a crowd or a black guy depending on his complexion. But the women on the other hand... 
I just wish I knew Portuguese before coming down here. It’s like I said before, it’s got to be something they eat. Other than looks, the people down here are really nice. I’ve gotten lucky a few times where the person in front of me in line knew English so they were able translate my order for me when I’m trying to get some food. I have been mistaken for being Brazilian of few times maybe that made a difference of how nice these strangers were.

Let’s talk about the place I’m in for a second, Joao Pessoa. The city has around 700,000 people so it’s not too big and it’s not as developed as Milwaukee is. But, like Milwaukee, Joao Pessoa is on the coast except down here it’s right on the Atlantic Ocean and the water is the perfect temperature. There are a lot of slums like in the movies that are based in Brazil and a lot a palm trees. It’s currently winter down and it’s been in the 70s all week...
If the winters in Milwaukee were in the high 70s I’d actually make an effort to go to class everyday. (Low key I still go to class with snow on the ground but the struggle is real)

That’s all I’m going to say right now, I think I’m going to try to make videos about the trip so I can go more into detail with all the interesting things that happened while down here. Plus, this is about all I feel like writing to be real.

Special s/o to Parisa she came up with the name of this whole thing, 2 Scoops International, it has a nice ring to it.

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