Friday, April 25, 2014

Winner Stays

Talk about a stacked commercial, Nike pulled out their whole contact folder to make this ad happen. I mean you have all the current greats in soccer right now, like Ronaldo, Neymar, American legend Tim Howard, just to name a few. The Hulk even makes a cameo, that's a win for Nike. This is also based on the classic playground rules of winner stays and losers bounce. If that's not how you played on the streets then you weren't doing it right.

Is it just me or do black british people throw you off guard too, because they get me every time. Everything is business as usual and then you hear that accent. That's always the last thing I expect when I see a black guy, just being real.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hawks take a 2-1 lead over Pacers

So is it ok for me to be excited, because I'm excited. Teague is getting buckets,  Korver is getting buckets, everyone is getting buckets. The last time I was this excited was probably when the Hawks took the Celtics to 7 games during the Celtics title run. I'm still going to be the bigger man and not make any assumptions just yet. This is so nice and it's only the first round. I don't know if I can take the stress of finals coming up AND the playoffs. It doesn't matter though, because I still a have a good feeling about this.

People been sleeping on Teague, now he's finally getting recognition. I believe in Teague, I believe in basketball.

Monkey in a snowsuit

Wow, just wow. This monkey just shot up to the #1 contender for cuteness in the world with this one. I was laughing the whole time watching this but I almost felt bad because it was so adorable. You have to admit that this is pretty funny to look at too, why would you have a pet monkey and why would you let it hop around in the snow. Monkeys have no idea what snow is, they spend all day in the jungle and stuff. This is one of the few times where I wish I could know what a monkey is thinking. His mind must be blowing all the way up right now.

s/o to kevin for the find

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lupita Nyong'o named People Magazine's Most Beautiful Woman

This is what I'm talking about, Lupita Nyong'o was named People Magazine's most beautiful woman this year. As of now this is Lupita's world and we're all just living in it. She has an Oscar, she's Lancome's first black spokesperson, and she's besties with Oprah (according to this picture).

Once you're on Oprah's friend list there's nothing bad that can happen to you. Even if something bad does happen to you, all you do to fix it is remember that Oprah is your friend, problem solved. Oprah = total win.

She even has a shoutout from Jay Z in this track. We Made It!

Pacers even up the series

Alright, so this is just a minor setback in the Hawks quest for a championship. I'm not upset at all, just a little salty about it though.

Yea, I'm blaming this all on you Vander, always finding a way to mess with my sports life. First you left Marquette early only let to me watch our season crash and burn, secondly you said the Hawks would win last night and they didn't.

P.S. Who has themselves as their man crush? Apparently Vander does. I don't blame him, I'd fall head over heels for myself if I played in the NBA for ten days too.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Game 2 Hawks vs Pacers

So this will be my only blog post today because this is all that matters to me right now. No offense to everything else in the world but y'all are my side chicks today and game 2 of the playoffs is my main chick. Gotta keep it 100 at all times. Facts only, no lies allowed.

How clutch would it be if the Hawks win tonight, it would probably turn Hawks fans into Hawks fans. That sounds sad but it's accurate. People give up on the Hawks too easily nowadays. I'm just glad we're playing the Pacers and not the Heat, if we're were up against the Heat I'd already be planning for next season.

Monday, April 21, 2014

American wins the Boston Marathon

So this guy, Meb Keflezighi, became the first American to win the Boston Marathon since 1983. I wouldn't have it any other way, an American has to win after what happened last year. This is why America always wins, because America is the best. Go red, white and blue. Too bad I can't pronounce his last name though but I can pronounce America, that's all that matters.

If this video didn't give you chills then I don't know what will. 'Murica

Back on the golf course

Alright so, there's been snow all over the place up here for a very long time. Golfers all over the midwest have been in despair, but today was the beginning of the new golf season. It was nothing really, I was just being Tiger out there on the course. Now that he's injured someone has to pick up the slack. I'm excited, this might be the year I get down to a scratch golfer (zero handicap).

That's me standing on the right of Tiger, no big deal. S/O to there being 3 black people in this golf picture, talk about progress.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

Happy Easter y'all. Today is the day I go to church, eat food, eat candy and eat more food. Everyone has their own Easter tradition which is great. That's why America is the best country world, we can celebrate whatever traditions we want. Since it's Easter I found some creepy Easter family photos for you to look at, enjoy.

These kids need to stick to pictures with Santa Clause and s/o to the black dude in the bunny suit, the struggle is real.

Game 1 goes to the Hawks

Alright so the Hawks made the playoffs and they won a game, now everything else is just a solid bonus for me. I'm just going to enjoy this 1-0 lead over the Pacers for as long as I can. Teague was out there ballin, Millsap was out there ballin, everyone was out there ballin. Whenever I mention the Hawks people always ask me "Who do they have?" It doesn't matter who's on the team, because they all get buckets.

By the way, Teague's crossover was dirty. He's got the juice.